Most accessible philosophy works
Primary works
- Plato's Apology and Crito in Socrates' Last Days
- Plato's Republic
- Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics (lectures by Sadler)
- Meditations on First Philosophy by Descartes
- On the suffering of the World (Schopenhauer)
- John Stuart Mill's Utilitarianism
- Myth of Sisyphus
Secondary works
- Inwagen: Introduction to Metaphysics
- Chalmers: Introduction to Philosophy of Science
- Lindberg: Origins of Western Science
- James Rachels: Introduction to Ethics (or sthg similar)
- Kolakowski: Main currents of Marxism
(I’d buy the whole thing as a reference work, but for our purposes I’d read only the first volume)
- Zegarelli: Logic for Dummies